The Issues At Hand
As I run I will be addressing more than the below three topics, but if you have questions about specific questions or issues, please feel free to email or call the campaign anytime. The contact information is on the bottom of the homepage.
Local Economy

As a Small Business Owner,
•Encourage legislation that will attract large & small business in Mississippi
•Fight to keep Mississippi money in the pocket of Mississippians “Shop Local”
•Advocate for small town growth

As a parent in our public education system, I UNDERSTAND THE CHALLENGES FACING OUR SCHOOLS & OUR FUTURE.
• Promote opportunities for skilled trade training in addition to college prep
• Hold our legislature accountable for properly funding our schools
• Encourage more of a partnership between our state universities and public schools

As the owner of Security Solutions and GunCo, SAFETY IS MY BACKGROUND.
• Protect legislation that enables our law enforcement to protect us • Defend our second amendment rights
• Encourage healthy law enforcement reform
•Advocate for small town growth

About Bart
Bart Williams is the owner of Security Solutions & Communications, Inc. which was established in 1993 and is based in Starkville, Mississippi. Williams resides in Starkville with his wife, Cynthia Jackson Williams, and their two daughters, Gracieann and Emily. They are members of First United Methodist Church in Starkville. In addition to being the owner of Security Solutions, Williams is a co-owner of a local sportsman’s store and range, Gunco LLC. His experiences also include helping pass vital Mississippi security legislation as he served as the Legislative chair for the Mississippi Alarm Association.